
Christmas Elves Pack 300 ‘Buckets of Joy’

Amanda Roberts (McConache Stedman), Mayor Paul Antonio and Penny Hamilton (YellowBridge)

At least 20 YellowBridge Christmas elves have been at work busily packing 300 yellow bucket hampers

The buckets, were filled with gourmet Christmas food donated by YellowBridge staff, partners and community, with the help from major sponsor McConachie Stedman.

Dubbed ‘buckets of joy’, they will be gifted to local people who are known to be in most need, including people with a disability, single parents and older people without family.

Staff from YellowBridge QLD and McConachie Stedman were joined by Toowoomba Mayor Paul Antonio, Deputy Mayor Carol Taylor and Cr Nancy Sommerfield and Member for Toowoomba North Trevor Watts helping to pack some hampers including the special Mayor’s Bucket.

YellowBridge CEO, Penny Hamilton said “Christmas is meant to be a special time of the year filled with love and happiness. Sadly, this is not the case for some people who will spend Christmas alone or are unable to afford extra special food so we are trying to make it a memorable day for them and their family.” 

Toowoomba accounting firm, McConachie Stedman, has returned as the Appeal’s major sponsor which helps to cover the cost of running the initiative. “We loved being a part of the Appeal last year and helping YellowBridge to reach their target of buckets filled,” said director Amanda Roberts.

“Helping local people by supporting the Yellow Bucket Appeal is a wonderful way for us to share the true spirit of Christmas.”

“We are really pleased to partner with YellowBridge again and our generous staff have got together their donations in an effort to beat last year’s contribution.”

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