With the prevailing and forecast weather conditions, changes to a number of Australia Day celebration arrangements have had to be made due to being outdoors, state of the grounds, public safety etc. Toowoomba Regional Council have now advised that all council controlled parks are closed to activity until further notice due to the wet conditions.
TOOWOOMBA – Picnic Point Park
The Australia Day Concert has been cancelled. The Australia Day Awards ceremony has been transferred to City Hall and will go ahead between 11am and 12 noon.
The Australia Day Breakfast will now take place in the Cultural Centre, Walpole Street, with the free breakfast from 7.30am and the Awards ceremony at 9 am. The Australia Day Bike Ride has been postponed to a date to be advised. Further information from Katrina Grundon on 0428 951 425.
Because of the unavailability of Centenary Park (see above), Crow’s Nest Australia Day activities and Awards presentation will now go ahead in the RSL & Community Centre with the same timings.
Our Volunteers are carrying on with as much of the program of activities as possible on Australia Day at Highfields Pioneer Village (The care of our animals will come first so some activities may be postponed until Easter}.
We will then move to the Highfields Cultural Centre for the official ceremony and presentation of Awards at 2pm.
The Village will remain open until 4pm for those who wish to partake in Billy Tea and Damper for Afternoon Tea. Please bring an umbrella and your blucher boots and support the Highfields Australia Day Ceremony if you can.
Link to Toowoomba Regional Council advice: (click here)
We will post any further information as it comes to hand.