The Toowoomba Camellia Show and Garden Expo Committee has announced the name of a brand new hybrid camellia at Coroneos Nursery, 266 Herries Street, Toowoomba.
A limited quantity of the new ‘Ballerina’ sasanqua will be on sale for the first time during the 2017 Camellia Show, and then from Coroneos Nursery. The Toowoomba Hospice will receive $5 from your purchase of each camellia.
A lovely young ballerina from Dance Central, Phoebe Manthey, posed with sample plants during the Queensland launch and naming occasion.
The ‘Ballerina‘ is an upright and slender shrub, making the variety a perfect choice for that narrow garden bed, against a wall or even an elegant pot. This beautiful camellia is early flowering, producing delicate white formal flowers with light pink edges and a hint of perfume.

The 2017 Camellia Show and Garden Expo will be held on the weekend of Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th July from 9am to 4pm each day, at TAFE Horticulture, Lindsay Street, Toowoomba. The entry fee is $8 per person, $5 for Winter Garden entry or $10 for both.
This year’s Winter Garden is at Stirling House, 32 Leslie Street, Toowoomba, the home of Dr Viola Nicolson and Colin Fitzgerald, and will be open from 10am to 4pm on 15th and 16th July.
Proceeds aid the Toowoomba Hospice.
For full details and Camellia Show program, go to