
Blood Donors Needed This Winter In Toowoomba And Ipswich

The Australian Red Cross Blood Service in Toowoomba needs another 200 donors and Ipswich another 80, to give blood in the coming weeks, as winter takes its toll on national blood stocks.

Sandee Thompson from the Blood Service urged new and lapsed donors to roll up their sleeves and give blood this winter, when the Blood Service loses more than 1000 donations a day due to colds and flu. “During the cold and flu season, our national blood stocks come under real pressure,” Sandee said. “Donors who have a cold or the flu are unable to give blood until they are well again, so during winter our blood stocks take a real hit.”

25,000 blood donations are needed across Australia each week just to meet patient needs, but colds and flu prevent more than 1000 donations a day during winter.

“At a local level, Toowoomba Blood Donor Centre needs to collect 450 blood donations every week, while Ipswich Blood Donor Centre needs 250 blood donations to ensure we have sufficient stock on-hand when patients need it. The need for blood never stops, which is why we are putting the call out for new or lapsed blood donors in Toowoomba and Ipswich to make an appointment during July,” said Mrs Thompson.

Giving blood takes less than one hour and each donation can save three lives.

To make an appointment to give a life-saving blood donation, please call 13 14 95 or visit

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