The Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) will commence EA-18G Growler Airborne Electronic Attack training across South-West Queensland and North-West New South Wales in September.
Crews will fly training missions against simulated threats produced by the Mobile Threat Training Emitter System (MTTES) and Advanced Mobile Threat Training Emitter System (ADVMTTES).
Officer Commanding No 82 Wing, Group Captain Stephen Chappell, said MTTES and ADVMTTES threat simulators would be deployed at locations across Air Force’s 40,000 kilometres squared Western Training Area.
“The truck and trailer-based systems will provide realistic training simulations and allow EA-18G Growler aircrew to practice detecting, identifying and locating electronic threats,†Group Captain Chappell said.
“Up to five mobile emitter systems will be active across the training area during each flight. The EA-18G Growler aircrew will locate them from approximately six kilometres above the ground.
“This training is vital to Air Force operations and is a key component of day-to-day training for EA-18G Growler aircrew.â€Â
Six sites have been established on Queensland Government managed land, with additional locations being identified from Toowoomba and Warwick in the east, up to Roma in the north-west and down to Moree in North-West NSW.
“We hope local land holders and land managers will be able to assist with identifying additional training locations, providing our aircrews with more diverse training situations to enhance Air Force capability,†Group Captain Chappell said.
Potential sites are subject to stringent environmental assessment to ensure suitability and to mitigate any potential environmental impact.
Submitted by:
Ms Tina Turner,
Regional Manager Public Affairs SQLD
Defence Media