Queensland Choice Meats together with Fitzy’s on Church & Ostwald Bros are donating one tonne of sausages to be sold to the public with all proceeds benefiting the Lifeline Drought Appeal.

The aim is to sell the full tonne of ‘Morning Glory’ Drought Buster BBQ Banger’s in the month of May at a cost of $2.99 per kilo. A quality sausage, The Morning Glory Sausage is a beef snag – the flavours are bacon and tomato with the added flavour and texture of real bacon through the centre of the sausage.
These efforts combined with Fitzy’s Charity Keg running for four weeks on Fridays from 5-6pm and their Women of the Vine event with published author guest speaker Alice Greenup will give a much needed boost to the Lifeline Drought Appeal.
Funds raised will go to farming families to help put food on their table.
Submitted by:
Suzie Washington
Manager Marketing and Fundraising
Lifeline Darling Downs & South West Queensland Ltd
Email swashington@lifelinedarlingdowns.org.au