This Palm Sunday April 10th, join with thousands of Australians who are standing together to call for peace. Â
In the face of the escalating crisis in Ukraine and ongoing calls for help from the people of Afghanistan, people across Australia are using Palm Sunday as an opportunity to gather and call for Peace and Justice for Refugees.
For many years Palm Sunday has been associated with the tradition of a Peace March. In the early 1980s the focus was on non-violent demonstrations for nuclear disarmament More recently, the Palm Sunday marches have focused on achieving justice for refugees waiting for years in off-shore detention.
This Palm Sunday 10th April, Amnesty Toowoomba, The Social Justice Commission and the Uniting Church are creating an opportunity for the people of Toowoomba to participate in A Gathering for Peace, Hope and Justice.  It will be an opportunity for locals to stand in solidarity with all people displaced by war and natural disasters.
At 2pm on Sunday 10th April we will gather at the Village Green on Ruthven Street, where people will be able to make a banner or a sign. Then together we will walk down Ruthven St to Queens Park where Nasir Haidarzai will share his story of fleeing Afghanistan. Phil Armit, from Amnesty Toowoomba, will talk on Justice for Refugees, and there will be the opportunity to engage in ongoing work for justice.
We hold this vision in our hearts and minds
We hold this vision in our hearts and minds
O, we hold this vision, we hold this vision
We hold this vision in our hearts and minds
We build the future with our hopes and dreams
We build the future with our hopes and dreams
O, we build the future, we build the future
We build the future with our hopes and dreams
We stand together as we call for peace
We stand together as we call for peace
O, we stand together, we stand together
We stand together as we call for peace
We act for justice for all refugees
We act for justice for all refugees
O, we act for justice, we act for justice
We act for justice for all refugees
CCLI Song # 2987886 © 1993 Watts, Trisha (Admin. by Willow Publishing Pty. Ltd.) For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved.   CCLI Licence # 74444
Hear the voice of justice cry
Moving through our land
Ringing out over hills and plains
Linking hand with hand
CCLI Song # 2987886 © 1993 Watts, Trisha (Admin. by Willow Publishing Pty. Ltd.) For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved.   CCLI Licence # 74444.
A Gathering for Peace, Hope and Justice. 2:00 pm The Village Green, Ruthven Street.
Submitted by:
Phil Armit for
Amnesty International Toowoomba Group
Rev Kate Fraser 0438 525 343
Middle Ridge Uniting Church