A Call for Toowoomba Christmas Wonderland Volunteers

Volunteers are needed for the Lions Club of Toowoomba West’s Christmas Wonderland of Lights in the Botanical Gardens of Queens Park, Toowoomba throughout the month of December.
Toowoomba’s Christmas Wonderland has now grown to be one of Queensland’s biggest light extravaganzas with over 45,000 people visiting the lights display each year since 2006. However to run this event, there is a need for volunteers. Every night about 36 volunteers are necessary to run the show. Last year the community responded in grand fashion and there is a need for the same this year.

If you would like to volunteer and join in the spirit of Christmas, please log on to www.christmaswonderland.com.au and go to the Volunteers Roster.

The major beneficiaries this year include: Toowoomba Hospital Foundation, Lifeline and Toowoomba Hospice, with a number of other local charities to benefit.

Toowoomba’s Christmas Wonderland will run 7.00pm – 10.00pm each night from the 1st December to 24th December 2012, in the Botanical Gardens of Queens Park off Lindsay Street.

For further information,
Peter Rookas, Toowoomba Hospital Foundation,
Ph. 4616 6166


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