A Call For Artists

Mixed Miniatures is an online art show coordinated by Emerge calling for Australian artists of all ages.

Artists are encouraged to use a variety of media and styles to create their works onto canvas, paper, cardboard, vinyl record and so on to the dimensions of 30cm x 30cm.
The cost to exhibit is $10 per entry, with no limit to the number of entries and all works entered are to be for sale at $90 with no commission kept on sold artwork.

The theme for the exhibition is open, allowing the artist to come up with infinite ideas and concepts!

The innovative exhibition will run from 12 June to 12 September 2012, with an open studio day held in Toowoomba.

The deadline for entries is 31 May 2012.

For more information and entry forms please head to the website www.emergeart.net.au

Submitted By: Chantel Schott

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