To raise awareness of domestic and family violence in our community, the Toowoomba Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Service (DFVPS) is holding a Hypothetical entitled “No Wrong Door” on Thursday evening the 27th May 2010.
The latest statistics from the Qld Centre for Domestic and Family Violence Research identify that the Toowoomba DFVPS saw 575 new clients in the first quarter of 2010 with just under 85% of these involving spousal and intimate personal violence.
The aim for the hypothetical is to highlight for health practitioners, including medical and allied health personnel as well as community based counsellors and the general public, the complexity involved when working with issues of domestic and family violence.
Participants at the hypothetical will gain exposure to the various organisations and legalities involved, providing them with a useful source of referrals when working with an individual seeking assistance for domestic violence issues.
The hope is that through this learning experience, individuals who do seek help will find No Wrong Doorâ€. Participation is at NO COST.
No_ Wrong_Doors_Hypothetical Pdf
Reservation is ESSENTIAL.
Could you please fax completed copies back to the Toowoomba DFVPS at 4639 6887. A ticket will be issued once registration is completed.
2nd June a Corporate lunch in the Empire theatre Church, with the Attorney General, the Hon Cameron Dick, as the speaker. Further information will follow in regards to this event.
Your continued support for prevention of Domestic and Family Violence and the Toowoomba Says No to Violence campaign, is appreciated.
Should you want further information about any of these events feel free to contact me.
Tony Rehn
Crime Prevention Officer
Southern Region
Queensland Police Service
Ph 0746316755 Fax 0746153200
P.O. Box 1333, Toowoomba Qld 4350
QPS website:
Crimestoppers 1800333000