General Interest

Council Connections: Week 2, February 2010

The weekly program keeping you up to date with Toowoomba Regional Council’s facilities, activities and services. This week  -   Darren Burton  with  a variety of topics including Summer Tunes, Swine Flu Immunisation, Crow’s Nest Art Gallery etc. Audio: Council Connections with Darren Burton

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Council Connections: Week 1, February 2010

The weekly program keeping you up to date with Toowoomba Regional Council’s facilities, activities and services. This week’s topic -  Disaster management -  Darren Burton speaks with with Norman Fry, TRC’s Disaster Management Co-ordinator. Audio: Council Connections with Darren Burton

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Toowoomba Graduation for five Green Army workers

Five recruits on Lifeline’s Green Army Recycling project have graduated with new skills and self-confidence after completing 23 weeks paid work. The State Government provided $228,000 to the Queensland’s Green Army project to employ 12 jobseekers at Lifeline’s Distribution Centre and Smart Tip Shop to reduce landfill by identifying reusable and recyclable materials. Lifeline Darling […]

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Annual Hospice Car Park Sale

Toowoomba Hospice will be holding its annual Car Park Sale on Saturday 6th February,  from 6.00am till 11am. Organiser Mr Norm Jenner said the Hospice relies heavily on the community spirit to raise the much needed funds to serve our local community.  “I am inviting the community to come on Saturday and make a donation […]

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Toowoomba Relay For Life

Toowoomba Relay For Life is only five weeks away, and the committee would like to see 50 teams registered by the end of this week. The committee and I are really looking forward to seeing 50 teams register by the end of this week,” said Miss Kenyon, Relay For Life Co-ordinator for Cancer Council Queensland. […]

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Art Exhibition to Benefit Local Hospital

The Toowoomba Hospital Foundation will be the beneficiary from the sale of art being exhibited at the Toowoomba Art Society’s ‘Culliford House’ over the next six weeks. ‘Works… Present & New’ is an exhibition of paintings and drawings by renowned local artist Mike Grice BVA. A collection of his works including both paintings and drawings […]

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Drivers urged to steer clear as pole is moved – Sun 31 Jan 2010

Motorists are urged to avoid the intersection of Taylor and Tor streets on Sunday while Ergon Energy contractors relocate a power pole. The pole has been struck on a number of occasions by turning trucks, so it will be relocated three to four metres further away from the roadway. A generator will keep the traffic […]

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Reunite Service — provided by Crime Stoppers Qld

Crime Stoppers Queensland has launched a bold new community safety initiative called the Reunite Service.

The Reunite Service is simple, effective and secure and utilises the Crime Stoppers call centre to help reunite parents, guardians and carers with those in their care, should they become separated.

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