General Interest
Council Connections: Week 3, April 2010
The weekly program keeping you up to date with Toowoomba Regional Council’s facilities, activities and services. Audio: Council Connections with Darren Burton
Festival prepares to celebrate seasonal food
Preparations are well under way for the 2010 Hampton Food and Arts Festival, with organisers expecting a bumper crowd to share in the tiny village’s annual celebration of seasonal food and local culture. With little more than a month until the event kicks off on Sunday May 16, organising committee chair Kerri Seccombe is more […]
Council Connections: Week 1, April 2010
The weekly program keeping you up to date with Toowoomba Regional Council’s facilities, activities and services. Darren reports on fluoridation of the water supply, an essay competition, current water restrictions, Autumnfest and forthcoming council meetings. Audio: Council Connections with Darren Burton
Want to do something exciting for Easter without travelling too far?
Come and ‘Experience Pioneer Life at Highfields Pioneer Village on Easter Saturday, Sunday and Monday, April 3rd, 4th and 5th, 2010. Milk a cow, crack a whip or be a blacksmith. Enjoy Billy tea and damper, Grand Parade , baby animals in the nursery, great food, entertainment all through the day  with special guest Jeff […]
More Than 40 Gliders To Soar From Chinchilla For Easter Competition
More than 40 sailplanes and their pilots will fly from Chinchilla in this year’s annual Easter Gliding Competition. The event, run by Caboolture Gliding Club and Gliding Queensland, will see massed launches from Chinchilla Airfield daily from Good Friday 2 April through to Saturday 10 April. The sight of 40 sailplanes being towed into the […]
A Stroll Down Broadway – A Grand Success
The Inaugural ‘A Stroll Down Broadway’ was a grand success and raised $7,000 for the Toowoomba Hospice. Promotions and Fundraising Manager Mr. Mark Munro said he had goose bumps through and through on opening night and he couldn’t wait until the matinee session on Sunday. I was so proud of the Toowoomba Municipal Band and […]
Wippells accept ‘Challenge’
The Toowoomba Hospice sent out a ‘Free Dress Challenge’ to all the businesses, clubs, organisations and schools on the Darling Downs and in the Lockyer Valley a few weeks ago via mail and Wippells Autos have taken it on! Mr. Dave Russell – Dealer Principal of Wippells Autos says he and his staff will participate […]
Council Connections: Week 4, March 2010
The weekly program keeping you up to date with Toowoomba Regional Council’s facilities, activities and services. Audio: Council Connections with Darren Burton