General Interest

Intrepid Heritage trekkers race to the top of Mt Everest

It’s a tough trek to the top of Mt Everest, but that hasn’t stopped 20 teams of staff members from Heritage Building Society in Toowoomba from launching a race to the summit. Workmates from Clifford Gardens, Grand Central and K-Mart branches, along with multiple head office teams, have set out with the top of the […]

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Hospice gets a Sweetener!

In recent months Queensland X-Ray patients and staff have bought and eaten their way through $6000 worth of chocolate… but it’s all been in aid of a good cause. Money has been raised for The Toowoomba Hospice which is a private, six-bed health care facility offering palliative care to those who have a terminal illness. Queensland X-Ray’s Ms […]

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Council Connections: Week 4, May 2010

The weekly program keeping you up to date with Toowoomba Regional Council’s facilities, activities and services. Audio: Council Connections with Darren Burton This week we look at the City Centre Master plan information evening, a Toowoomba cycling first, waste management centre times, swine flu shots and a bush tucker event at Millmerran.

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Millmerran Health & Wellbeing Expo 20th May

The Health and Wellbeing Expo is looking good with over 60 stalls which is a record for all expos we have held so far. We have some different exhibitors this year… life mentors, lavender, soaps, jewellery, relaxation and meditation classes, and the usual aged care services and children’s play groups. We have olives and essential oils, […]

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School Joins Hospice ‘Challenge’

Another school has taken on the ‘Annual Darling Downs Free Dress Challenge’ for 2010 in aid of the Toowoomba Hospice! Drayton and Wyreema State Schools have been joined by Clifford Park Special School in the Challenge of raising money for our local Hospice. Mr. Mark Munro Promotions and Fundraising Manager from the Toowoomba Hospice said he […]

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Young Ambassador’s Fund-Raising Event

On Sunday 6th June the Downs Polo Club will be holding their annual Polo Tournament. This year not only will there be plenty of polo to be seen but there will also be raffles, kids games and activities, a BBQ and bar and much much more. All proceeds raised will be donated to The Kath […]

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Scenes From Crash Rescue Challenge

The 2010 Crash Rescue Challenge and Community Safety Expo has taken place in the Founders Pavilion at Toowoomba Showgrounds. Setting up a Rescue Scenario Eight teams from Cairns, Blackwater, Caloundra, Bayside, Lowood  and          Clifton took part…. The winning team was Cairns, from the Far North Region. Runner up was the South East Region’s team from […]

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Council Connections: Week 3, May 2010

The weekly program keeping you up to date with Toowoomba Regional Council’s facilities, activities and services. Audio: Council Connections with Darren Burton General news including swine flu vaccination, formation of two community planning groups, water rates notices, the Sustainable Home closing and some roadworks.

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