General Interest

Council Connections: Week 2, June 2010

The weekly program keeping you up to date with Toowoomba Regional Council’s facilities, activities and services. Audio: Council Connections with Darren Burton This week, Darren talks about June 30 deadlines for business licences, dog and cat registrations, and the sustainable house closing soon. Also a call for volunteers for the Endeavour Cycle Challenge and the […]

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New Scheme to Keep Vulnerable Community Members Safer

Few experiences are more terrifying for parents than having their child go missing. A new scheme launched by Crime Stoppers in Toowoomba this week aims to avoid those situations by helping vulnerable members of the community reunite with loved ones more quickly and easily. Designed for young children, dependant elderly, and people with disabilities, the […]

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Last Chance for Masquerade Ball

Please book your tickets for a fun filled evening at the ‘Masquerade Ball’ at the Highfields Cultural Centre with all proceeds going to two great causes – Toowoomba Hospice and the Kath Dickson Centre. The ball has been arranged by Highfields Better Business entrant in  the wonderful ‘Carnival of Flowers Young Ambasador’s Program’,  Sarah-Jane Macdonald. Masquerade […]

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Attitudinal Driving Workshop

People, Just a quick reminder that there will be an Attitudinal Driving Workshop held at the Toowoomba RSL on TUESDAY 8th June 6.30pm-8.30pm. Please phone Oakey police station to register attendance on: 4691 1020. The workshop will target young drivers preparing to get their licence, but it will be valuable for any young drivers to […]

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Council Connections: Week 1, June 2010

The weekly program keeping you up to date with Toowoomba Regional Council’s facilities, activities and services. Audio: Council Connections with Darren Burton This week, business licences, sustainable home Toowoomba, swine flu immunisation, cat and dog registrations, easy pay your rates and roadworks.

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Council Connections: Week 5, May 2010

The weekly program keeping you up to date with Toowoomba Regional Council’s facilities, activities and services. Audio: Council Connections with Darren Burton This week we look at Qld Day celebrations, roadworks, the Art Gallery open again, business licences, dog and cat rego and the sustainable home closing soon.

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Toowoomba Spinners, Weavers & Dyers Market Day

The Toowoomba Spinners, Weavers & Dyers Group is holding a Craft Market Day at the Spinners Building, southern end of the main arena, Toowoomba Show Grounds on Sunday 6th Jun 2010, from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm Our special feature display is called Twisted Botanicals, which will showcase all the ways nature can influence textiles.  […]

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Drew Hutton to Address Toowoomba’s World Environment Day

Veteran environmental campaigner Mr Drew Hutton will be a special speaker at Toowoomba’s World Environment Day at Lake Annand Park on Sunday 6 June 2010. Mr Hutton is currently focusing his activities on coal seam gas and coal mining, after decades of wide-ranging concerns. Last week he addressed 400 farmers at a protest meeting near […]

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