General Interest
Declaration of Maranoa Poll
Bruce Scott was officially announced as the re-elected Federal Member for Maranoa yesterday,at the AEC’s declaration of the poll in Dalby. Acting Divisional Returning Officer Gordon Marshall announced that the poll for the electorate of Maranoa had been declared, with Bruce Scott re-elected with a result of more than 57,000 primary votes. Mr Scott said […]
Australia to have Labor Government
Labor will govern with support of 1 Green MP and 3 Independents. The Member for Kennedy, Bob Katter had announced earlier his support would go to the Coalition. The deadlock in Canberra was broken with Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott announcing they will support a Gillard minority Government. This gives Labor 76 seats to the […]
Toowoomba Regional Council News in Brief
Community forum The USQ Community Capacity Building Project in conjunction with the Community Development and Facilities Branch, Toowoomba Regional Council invites you to a Public Lecture – Understanding Youth Suicide (with Garry King, Guidance Officer, Teacher and Youth Counsellor specialising in the area of suicide prevention and Garry Hansford, Community Support Worker, GP Connections). To […]
Council Connections: Week 1, September 2010
The weekly program keeping you up to date with Toowoomba Regional Council’s facilities, activities and services. Council Connections with Darren Burton This week we talk about train trips to Spring Bluff, Bushcapades, rate notices having gone out, change of time for immunisation clinic, food handling safety course and Tombstone Tours.
Julie Boyce Exhibition
Over 60 paintings by Julie Boyce are being displayed from 1st to the 30th of September at Village View Gallery, Highfields Pioneer Village. All works are on sale. Julie, who was brought up on a 27,500 acre property in the Charleville area, paints in the ‘naive’ style in acrylics and watercolours. She says her works […]
Millmerran Sheep Races This Saturday
The Millmerran Sheep Races is a major fundraiser for St Joseph’s Primary School. We are a small school with 80 enrollments and the Sheep Races is now in it’s seventh consecutive year. The Sheep Races is a great family day and every effort is taken in making sure the whole family gets good value for […]
Advance Notice for Trash Ya Hair
Schools, Businesses, Clubs/Community Groups or individuals on the Downs and in the Lockyer Valley are encouraged to have a Trash Ya Hair Day during the month of October. You can colour, mousse, gel or shave your hair to raise money for the Toowoomba Hospice. These funds will assist the daily operations of this important community […]
Glennie School’s New Hospitality Centre Officially Open
Students and staff at The Glennie School for in Toowoomba have celebrated the official opening of their new hospitality training centre recently. Member for Toowoomba North, Kerry Shine said the new centre was a major asset for the school community. The hospitality centre offers an excellent training facility for hospitality students,†Mr Shine said. It […]