General Interest
Furniture Art at USQ
An exhibition of furniture art curated by Andrew MacDonald is now on display in the USQ Arts Gallery. This exhibition will be the third curated by Andrew, for which he selects a small number of local furniture makers, artists and designers to submit one piece in any media and style, giving participants an opportunity to […]
Toowoomba Regional Council News in Brief
Gallery open Carnival Monday Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery has extended its opening hours to include Monday, September 20 from 10am to 4pm to cater for Carnival of Flowers visitors. Entry is free. Sign on for Bushcapades Spring holiday activities will be staged in Toowoomba’s bushland parks from Tuesday, September 21 to Friday, October 1. Craft […]
2010 Grand Central Floral Parade
Highlight of the annual Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers, the Grand Central Floral Parade tool place under cloudy skies, and a cooler temperature (which may have been appreciated by the marchers and the crowds lining the parade route). Some of our Parade Images…(Click to Enlarge)
Toowoomba’s Bloomin’ Great for the Carnival
The 2010 Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers is underway, with thousands of visitors streaming through the city’s parks and gardens…. Images of Queens Park Gardens (Click to Enlarge).
Big Band at the Bluff Called Off
Due to inclement weather, Cr Ros Scotney has advised the ‘Big Band at the Bluff’ will not go ahead today. The Jim Miller Big Band was scheduled to play from noon to 3pm today, but because of showery conditions and lack of undercover areas at Spring Bluff Railway Station, the committee fhas decided to postpone […]
International Guest at Flower, Food and Wine Festival
The 3 day Ergon Energy Flower Food & Wine Festival is a major component in the Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers Program, and this year the Festival has an international guest, Jenny Gillies from Christchurch, New Zealand. Video: Rod Neucom talks on stage with Jenny Gillies Jenny is multi-award winning costume and fabric artist. She combines […]
Council Connections: Week 3, September 2010
The weekly program keeping you up to date with Toowoomba Regional Council’s facilities, activities and services. Council Connections with Darren Burton Darren is talking with Kristie Jenkinson who looks after TRC’s school holiday Bushcapades program.
And the Hospice Challenge Winners are….
The Toowoomba Hospice sent out a ‘Free Dress Challenge’ to all the schools on the Darling Downs and in the Lockyer Valley this year and in all, 23 Schools and Businesses accepted the challenge and raised just over $9,300.00! Toowoomba Hospice Chairman Mr. Graham Barron OAM said the Promotions and Fundraising Manager Mark Munro encouraged […]