Perseverance Dam has been closed to the public as a precautionary move due to elevated numbers of E.Coli bacteria.
The number of E.Coli bacteria exceeds primary and secondary recreational contact guideline limits as set in the Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality 2000.
Toowoomba Regional Council Parks and Recreation Services portfolio leader Cr Sue Englart said officers were satisfied that the increased bacterial numbers were due to an environmental phenomenon rather than contamination of the dam water.
“The risk to humans from direct contact with large numbers of these bacteria is uncertain and the dam has been closed to protect the health of users as a precaution,” Cr Englart said.
“The bacteria represent no risk to drinking water supplies as they are removed by the water treatment and disinfection process.
“Additional testing will be carried out on a regular basis to monitor the numbers of E.Coli bacteria. Perseverance Dam will remain closed for recreational use until further notice.”
Recreational activities are unaffected at Cooby Dam and Lake Cressbrook.
Enquiries can be directed to the Council on 131 872.