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Litter Fighting Fund Launched By Keep Australia Beautiful

Despite more than 45 years of campaigning, shocking statistics have revealed that too many people are still littering, with Australians dumping almost 48 million litres of litter each year.

In response Keep Australia Beautiful today will launch a Litter Fighting Fund where all Queenslanders can donate to directly fund litter reduction programs. National Association Chief Executive Officer Peter McLean said the organisation has never called on the community like this before, but drastic action needed to be taken.

“Litter is one of the most serious environmental issues we face and we need a stronger army to battle it,” Mr McLean said. “It’s been a long time, but the message hasn’t changed †don’t litter, put your rubbish in the bin, do the right thing. We’re calling on everyone from corporate sponsors to community members, to help keep our country clean and start taking more pride in the environment.”

Derryn HinchPatriotic journalist Derryn Hinch is lending his support to help launch the Litter Fighting Fund and has urged Australians to generously support the cause. “We are lucky to live in such a beautiful country but we need to treat it with respect,” Mr Hinch said. “I‘ve just completed a 180 kilometre Jail 2 Justice walk through regional Victoria and the rubbish I saw along the roads was an absolute disgrace. There are pigs living among us who think that it’s okay to throw rubbish out of the car, or dump trailer loads of household waste in the bush.”

Mr McLean said the Litter Fighting Fund was an account which would help to keep anti-litter programs alive across Queensland. “Every dollar donated will be used to support our initiatives including community grants, litter campaigns, litter research and environmental education such as Eco-Schools,” he said. “We are a not-for-profit organisation and our funding is very limited but we have a tremendous opportunity here. Anyone can donate, mums and dads, corporates, small businesses, those that want to see a direct reduction in litter.

“The Litter Fighting Fund gives everyone the opportunity to contribute to litter prevention right across Australia. Instead of volunteering they might want to put a few dollars into a fund that will activate holistic campaigns right across the country.”

“I love Australia now as much as I ever did, and I still don’t understand why some Australians still think littering is acceptable,” Mr Hinch said. “Come on Australia, pick up your act, pick up your litter and show your support for Keep Australia Beautiful by donating to the Litter Fighting Fund now.”

To donate visit:

KAB logo.ashxAbout Keep Australia Beautiful: Keep Australia Beautiful is the national peak body on litter prevention. With more than four decades of experience in engaging Australians to care for their local environments, (not to be confused with the organisation Clean Up Australia Day) KAB Programs include Sustainable Cities, Tidy Towns, Clean Beaches, National Litter Index, Eco-Schools, The LITTLE Committee, Australia’s Litter Action Plan and Keep Australia Beautiful Week in August.

All information on the organisation can be accessed at including the National Litter Index, which is Australia’s only independent nation-wide litter research.

Submitted by:
Chris Reid
Senior Consultant
Sequel Communications



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