Hello my name is Shirley Dunsdon. For the past seven months I have been working very hard against the destruction of Toowoomba’s beautiful Garnet Lehmann Park. Council plan to build a massive 70 mega litre detention basin in this park. This will result in the destruction of many hundreds of gum  trees, the loss of a wildlife habitat and an amazing social amenity for the Toowoomba community.
A detention basin is also planned for the Ballin Drive Park, this one being 40  mega litres and the loss of up to one hundred trees. Some of the trees at Ballin Drive are very historical to Toowoomba, but the bulldozer awaits them if council gets their way.
Our groups have now joined together and call ourselves The East Creek Park Defenders. We are passionate in the defence of our parks.  This Sunday the 1 June we are holding a protest march to show our strong objection to councils hideous proposals. These detention basins WILL NOT stop a flood as happened in 2011.
The march starts at Ballin Drive at 8.45am then proceeds to Garnet Lehmann Park to meet other marchers. At 9.30am we will leave Garnet Lehmann Park and march to World Environment Day at Lake Annand.
Please join us this Sunday the 1st of June and help us protect our beautiful parks.  ÂÂ
If you wish to contact me my phone number is 0417 740 887.
Submitted by:
Shirley Dunsdon for
East Creek Park Defenders