Every year people are killed or injured by their partner, ex-partner or family member. The month of May has been dedicated to raising community awareness around what constitutes domestic violence, the support available within the community and to also send a clear message that violence and control in relationships is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
A Candle Lighting Ceremony will be held in the Empire Theatre Courtyard, Neil Street, Toowoomba at 5.30pm on Wednesday 7th May 2014. The general public, community service workers and family members are invited to be present to remember those who have died as a result of Domestic & Family Violence.
The Candle Lighting Ceremony is a state wide event held across Queensland to commemorate those who have died and those whose lives have been affected by Domestic & Family Violence. This event provides the opportunity for the local community to make a public statement that violence against women and within relationships is not acceptable and will not be tolerated.
This year the guest speaker will be Emma Ziebell. Ms Ziebell is a strong advocate for raising awareness about domestic and family violence. An Oakey resident, personally touched by death as a result of domestic violence, she was recently awarded the Tony Myatt award for her dedication to raising awareness through the Annual Butterfly Ball and other events.
Ms Ziebell will be addressing the experiences of families left behind, with the aim of raising community awareness of how domestic and family violence impacts the entire community. The event is free and will run for approximately ½ an hour. Toowoomba Grammarphones and the Women in Harmony choir will be performing.
In Toowoomba, RAQ has a support and counselling program for victims and family members who have experienced domestic and family violence. The venue also delivers a men’s behaviour change program for men who use violence and control in their intimate and family relationships. Information on both these programs can be obtained through the Toowoomba Venue on 07 4639 3605.
People interested in helping further may volunteer to support people going through Domestic Violence Court. Contact 07 4639 3605 for further information.
(STATISTICS – 1 in 3 women over the age of 15 will be exposed to domestic violence. About one third of all homicide victims in Australia are killed by an intimate partner or other family member (Dearden, J., & Jones, W. (2008). Homicide in Australia: 2006-07 National Homicide Monitoring Program annual report. Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology.) In 2013, 18 people in Queensland lost their lives as a result of domestic violence †of these, there were 10 females, 5 males and 3 children. Of these deaths, 11 relationships were intimate personal relationships, and 7 were family. Three of these were murder suicides).
Submitted by:
Sonya Kupfer
Domestic & Family Violence Prevention Service
07 4639 3605