Were you in a flood zone and feeling anxious, despondent or overwhelmed?
Are you worried about someone who is?
There’s a simple checklist for the signs that someone’s not coping such as poor sleep, drinking too much or withdrawing from social life.
In the immediate aftermath of a flood it is common for people to show signs of mental and emotional distress and, if the signs continue for five days, it could be a sign they need extra help.
The seven signs to look out for:
– Complaints of continued poor sleep
– Seeming easily overwhelmed
– Use of drugs or alcohol
– Withdrawing from family and friends
– Problems performing at work
– Startling easy or declining social invitations
– Increased or unreasonable irritability
• Find out more about the signs at www.amaq.com.au
• If you need advice or support, talk to your local GP.
• It is easy to find the closest GP using AMA Queensland’s ‘Find a Doctor’ website or iPhone app – www.amafindadoctor.com.au