Council Contact Centre ‘Best in Queensland’

Toowoomba Regional Council is quite proud of its Customer Service Centre and justifiably so after scooping the pool on Friday night at the Queensland ATA Awards at the Brisbane Convention Centre. Council’s team overcame a strong field to emerge as the State winner of the 2012 Contact Centre of the Year (in the category of 30 or less fulltime employees). Council‘s Coordinator of Customer Service, Allan Luther, was a finalist in the Champion of the Year (Operations) while the chance for further awards continues with the Implementation Category recognising the delivery of the Customer Service Centre to Council operations.

Award 1: Executive Project Specialist Paula Grant and Customer Service Manager Malcolm Angell accept their awards from Paul Edmondson, of platinum sponsor Avaya at Friday’s ceremony.

Executive Project Specialist Paula Grant accepted the certificate as a finalist in the National Award for Implementation Category, to be held in September. Customer Services Portfolio Leader Cr Anne Glasheen was on hand to congratulate staff on their achievements. As the peak body for the Contact Centre industry in Australia, the ATA Awards are highly sought after and represent the very best in contact centre service,” Cr Glasheen said. The Contact Centre of the Year award reflects on the high levels of customer satisfaction achieved by the team, as well as looking to the value the contact centre brings to the organisation, which in Council’s case, is very substantial.”

The upcoming Implementation award will be judged on how the project was managed, the results achieved and customer and employee satisfaction. “These awards reflect on the great work that Malcolm Angell and his team do in customer service for our region and all the work Paula Grant and the team did in the implementation of this branch,” Cr Glasheen said.

Submitted by:

Matthew Grant

Toowoomba Regional Council

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