Toowoomba Hospice will be holding its annual Car Park Sale on Saturday 6th February, from 6.00am till 11am.
Organiser Mr Norm Jenner said the Hospice relies heavily on the community spirit to raise the much needed funds to serve our local community. “I am inviting the community to come on Saturday and make a donation by purchasing items that we have been given to sell. At 8am there will be an auction of interesting and unusual items.
The location will be in the main Car Park at the Hospice, corner of 5th Avenue and O’Quinn St, Harristown.
Mr. Jenner also encourages the community to donate items for the Car Park Sale. “If you have items that you would like to donate to the Hospice Garage Sale please drop them in to the Hospice Admin office during office hours this week by Friday Morning. However if you have large items can you please drop them off on the Saturday morning of the Car Park sale (Saturday 6th February) between 5.30am and 7am as our storage is very limited.
” Mr. Jenner wanted to reassure all those who support the Car Park Sale that all the money stays here “The Hospice is a Local Charity and I am very proud to say that the money raised locally stays locally. Our operational purchases also support local businesses, companies and individuals on the Downs”
Mr. Jenner added that what ever isn’t sold by 11am Saturday will be donated to Life Line to sell in their shops. “I am more than happy to let another charity have what is left so they too can benefit”
Mark Munro
Promotions and Fundraising Manager
Toowoomba Hospice
57b O’Quinn St
Toowoomba Qld 4350
07 46598500