Celebrate the Melbourne Cup in pink!

A charity Melbourne Cup luncheon will be held at the Picnic Point Function Centre, Toowoomba  next Tuesday November 1, to raise funds and awareness for breast cancer in Queensland.

The Rotary Club of Toowoomba will host the luncheon on Melbourne Cup day and the  community is welcome to attend. Highlights of the day will include a fashion parade with new season clothing and accessories from MYER, sweeps, auctions and food from Toowoomba’s top restaurants, with funds raised going to Cancer Council Queensland.

Fundraising Co-ordinator at Cancer Council Queensland, Nicole Woodward, said funds raised from Pink Ribbon Day events and activities will help Cancer Council Queensland in many ways. The Pink Ribbon Day Melbourne Cup luncheon will raise vital funds for Cancer Council Queensland’s work in breast cancer research and support for patients and families affected by breast cancer.

By getting involved you are showing your support for the thousands of grandmothers, mothers, sisters, aunts, daughters and friends diagnosed with breast cancer each year,” Ms Woodward said. This year Cancer Council Queensland will open its first accommodation Lodge is Toowoomba, which will provide free accommodation to South West Queensland families who travel to Toowoomba for cancer treatment.”

The Pink Ribbon Day Melbourne Cup luncheon will be held at the Picnic Point Function Centre, Toowoomba on Tuesday November 1 from 10am. Tickets cost $90 and can be purchased by calling 0417 987 838, online at www.stickytickets.com.au/rtct or email jheidric@bigpond.com.au.

For more information, please contact:
Event organiser, Cheryl Abberton
Ph: 4631 2777

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