Japanese Food And Drinks To Aid Disaster Victims on June 10th

The 10th, 11th and 12th of June of this coming Queen’s Birthday long weekend sees Toowoomba’s The Spotted Cow Hotel holding their first Milking The Cow Beer Festival, featuring 60 small-batch craft beers from around Australia and accompanied by a specially-matched dining menu.

As part of the opening night celebrations on Friday, June 10th, legendary Japanese punk band The Jet Boys will take the stage, touring Australia for the very first time in their long and celebrated career. The Spotted Cow are therefore taking the chance to provide much-needed aid and comfort to the victims of Japan’s devastating earthquake and tsunami disasters by specially extending their range of Japanese drinks and serving authentic Japanese dishes for the night, and donating proceeds to the ongoing disaster relief efforts.

Supported by the Toowoomba Japanese Group, the evening will feature a number of popular Japanese beers as well as the famous traditional rice wine known as “sake” in Australia, “shochu”, a distilled spirit from the southern island of Kyushu currently wowing drinkers in the hottest bars worldwide, highly-regarded Japanese whiskey, plus a range of cocktails and more!  This will be a unique opportunity to sample Japan’s rich drinking culture, available at no other venue in town.

Similarly exotic fare will complement the range of beverages, including “edamame” – green soybeans eaten from the pod as a traditional and wildly popular drinking snack – plus more well-known favourites such as yakitori and sushi.

A portion of proceeds from tickets and Japanese drink sales will be donated to the Australian Red Cross’ Japan and Pacific Disaster Appeal. With nearly 200 000 people still housed in emergency shelter in the shattered communities of northern Japan, this represents a real opportunity to lend assistance and support to those in need – as well as a mighty fine night out!

The evening commences with Japanese food service for ticket-holders from 8pm on Friday, June 10th. A specially-discounted opening night ticket package is available for $25 and includes the choice of two beers, the Japanese dishes and other savouries, and a $5 donation to the Red Cross.

More information on the Milking The Cow Beer Festival and ticket packages at www.spottedcow.com.au

Submitted by
Jeff Brady (Twba. Japanese Group) 0458 395 924

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