First Model Rocket Launch for 2011 this Saturday 19th March

This Saturday, 19th March, at 1:30pm the young people of the Rangeville Space Pilots’ Club (a non-denominational Club supported by the Rangeville Community Church) and made up of young people who make flying model rockets (amongst other things) …plan to hold their first Rocket Launch of the year at the T.A.R.M.A.C. model aircraft flying field, a mere ten-minute drive south of Toowoomba and on the New England Highway. We are guests of TARMAC who, with the Space Club, invite you to come.

Through Hodgsonvale and just past “The Mill”-“The Outlook” you will see the field on your right (look for the windsock)….then just drive in. You are welcome to come and see this happen. (There are  just four ‘launches’ per year). Do bring a folding chair though.  Refreshments are available. Shelter and rest room facilities are available.

Just sit back and relax and watch the kids (young and old) excitedly, in turn, push the launch button… (the kids are under adult supervision) ..while we all count down for the launch and watch each rocket push through billowing smoke and head for the sky. It’s all fun.

Why not come along and escape from all the negative things that have plagued our lives over the past few months and just join in the positive fun of the afternoon. Importantly, there’s no charge for being there.

Come….join in the countdowns….have a ‘fun few hours’.

Barry Whisson
Launch Field Officer.
Ph 07 4635 3267

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