Timely Warning From Queensland Fire & Rescue

Queensland Fire and Rescue Service have had fourteen swift water rescues reported to them since midnight Saturday December 18 and tragically, 20 people have died in floodwaters over the past two wet seasons.

It only takes 15 centimetres of fast flowing water to knock a person off their feet and just 60 centimetres of flowing water can sweep a four-wheel-drive off a flooded causeway. The dangers of drains, creeks, rivers and causeways after heavy rain are often hidden beneath the surface and currents are deceptive.

Being a good swimmer is not enough to survive flowing flood waters and people can easily become tangled in submerged debris.

People who still intend to travel are advised to take extreme caution and not to attempt to drive through floodwaters. Parents must also keep a close eye on children around flooded creeks, drains and rivers. Children may think playing in bodies of water is fun, but it is deadly.

With heavy rain expected to continue falling across the state over the festive season, Queenslanders are urged to prepare for the wet weather and stay out of floodwaters.

More information on preparing yourself and your home for floods can be found at www.disaster.qld.gov.au .

For flood and storm assistance contact the SES on 132 500 and in a life-threatening emergency which includes people becoming trapped in floodwaters call triple zero (000) immediately.

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