Make Tracks Back to the Future

You don’t need a Delorean to see the past and the future at the same time,  just visit the Transport and Main Roads Heritage Centre this weekend. This will be the third of the four weekend open days planned for the international exhibition Industrial Desire: Detroit Concept Cars.

This American exhibition features concept car models, drawings and film footage shedding light on exciting new ways technologies and materials could influence our methods of road travel in the coming years. It is a unique opportunity to sneak a peek at the highly secretive and competitive world of car design and witness concept cars that are not normally seen outside of the industry.

Various car clubs from South East Queensland will be in attendance showcasing the role they play in preserving our transport history. This weekend’s participants include the Toowoomba Hot Rodders, the Darling Downs Veteran and Vintage Motor Club and the Queensland Corvette Club.

For something completely different, the Darling Downs Model Railing Club will be attending with a model from their collection of a compact N scale layout based loosely on the New England area of the United States. After seeing the exciting concepts on display, take the opportunity to talk with like-minded enthusiasts over a BBQ hosted by Rotary Club of Toowoomba City.

The Transport and Main Roads Heritage Centre, located near the airport terminal on Mutze Street, is a hidden gem in Toowoomba, with an engaging representation of the skill and dedication that goes in to connecting Queensland from early pioneering days to current road-building technologies.

Industrial Desire is presented by Transport and Main Roads Heritage Centre through artisan in partnership with the College for Creative Studies, Detroit, and toured by Museum and Gallery Services Queensland.

Open this Saturday, 6 November from 10 – 2pm. FREE ENTRY

One more weekend open day has been planned for Saturday 27 November.

The centre is open Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm.

The exhibition is on display until Saturday 27 November.

For more information contact Karen Barrett on 4633 2506 during business hours, or email

Note: Group bookings are welcome.

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