The Toowoomba Clivia Society Inc will join the Toowoomba Bromeliad & Succulent Society at the Sacred Heart School Hall this year in a joint venture to put on a restricted display of Clivias due to current COVID restrictions.
Whilst a full COVID Safe Plan will be in force, colourful Clivias will be displayed and Clivias, seedlings and seeds will be available for purchase.
Although the Annual Show and Clivia Sale will be totally different than previous years at the TAFE Pavilion, local breeders and growers will provide a spectacle that will be remembered for years to come.
Both Societies will be located at the Sacred Heart School Hall, Cnr Tor and North Streets Toowoomba on Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th September from 8.00am to 4.00pm and Monday 21st September from 8.00am to 2.00pm. To see what both Societies have to offer, entry will be $3.00, with children free,
For more information on the Show or the Toowoomba Clivia Society Inc, go to www.toowoombacliviasociety.com.au or telephone president, Steve Fudge on 0473 381 009.
Submitted by:
Judy Conquest
Publicity Officer
Toowoomba Clivia Society Inc